This year (2022), Labor Day is celebrated on Monday, September 5.
In the early days of our country, laborers struggled. They worked long hours and were paid little for their work. As leaders stood up and fought for better working conditions, shorter hours, and fairer pay, workers began to reap the benefit of employment.
Labor Day is a day that celebrates the success of struggles overcome by fighting for what is honorable for people who work for a living. It started in the nineteenth century as a holiday where laborers received a paid holiday in recognition of their hard work.
In the early days of our country, laborers struggled. They worked long hours and were paid little for their work. As leaders stood up and fought for better working conditions, shorter hours, and fairer pay, workers began to reap the benefit of employment.
Labor Day is a day that celebrates the success of struggles overcome by fighting for what is honorable for people who work for a living. It started in the nineteenth century as a holiday where laborers received a paid holiday in recognition of their hard work.
Nowadays, Labor Day is representative of a change in seasons. It is notably deemed the end of Summer. School usually starts the Tuesday after Labor Day.
Football fans look forward to the beginning of football season.
And consumers can find huge discounts from many retailers, especially back-to-school items, furniture, home décor, and kitchen appliances.
Football fans look forward to the beginning of football season.
And consumers can find huge discounts from many retailers, especially back-to-school items, furniture, home décor, and kitchen appliances.
More than all of the above, Labor Day generally starts the weekend before the actual day of celebration, and we call this the Labor Day Weekend. Labor Day weekend is when family and friends get together for several fun days.
At our household, we like to host a backyard BBQ with all the fixings from hors d’oeuvres, to the main meal, to a decadent dessert to top off a wonderful time of joy.
Happy Labor Day. I pray you to have a wonderful day of celebration.
This 38 Piece Cifaisi BBQ Grill Accessories Set is my top pick for a successful day of BBQ'ing. Complete with skewers and grill mats, I think you will find it makes BBQ'ing a breeze.